Halfway through!

Actually a bit over half. Strange, but then two months isn’t very long. Halfway through and switching schools after finishing the last one is kind of perfect! This one will definitely be more of a challenge but also more of the workout I am looking for, at least if the sun doesn’t get me first. Lovely cloudy day today as we tied rebar columns and carried and poured cement, but not a lot of shade on site for days that aren’t cloudy. It’s going to be intense! Also halfway to my fundraising goal—thanks to everyone who’s donated already! I really appreciate the support for these Abaco schools and this mad adventure.

Foundations and walls going up. So crazy that the last school looked like this just a few months ago!
Our bunks from on top of the shipping container of tools. Mine is on the left with the white tarp and purple heart
Inside the bunk, currently brushing teeth and going to bed (it’s 9 pm) getting ready for a 6 am start!

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